Easy Rider and Chopperguy
Thoughts on Easy Rider, biker cinema, and riding and working on a vintage chopper.
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
The Lost Captain?
I received an e-mail from someone who thinks they may have found at least some parts of the stolen Captain America.
To check out more of the story you can visit his site at
You can read more about the bikes in
The Choppers section.
Monday, July 21, 2003
License Plate Trivia
Here again with a real update for the dyed in the wool Easy Rider fans.
A person wrote me asking about the plate number on the Captain. As many times as I have watched the film, I never bothered trying to find out. So I decided to give it another look.
Fairly quickly I found a number of 644755 on the Billy Bike. Shortly there after I saw 484483 on Captain America. Both had California plates. Knowing that they used two of each bike in the film, I continued watching to see if they used different plates. I only ever saw these numbers.
I did, however, catch one interesting thing. If you step through the scene of Captain America exploding, you can see the heavy mounting bracket with tail light still attached (not even cracked) but NO license plate. Given the style of the bracket I can't imagine loosing the plate in the crash without damaging any other part of the mounting. They almost certainly removed the plate prior to destroying it.
So, no great epiphany here, but certainly some interesting trivia.
Monday, July 14, 2003
More Updates
I've gone through and updated the
Biker Movies section. You can now order a great number of the films listed.
New Road Trip stuff coming soon
A fan recently visited several sites from the film and sent me some photos. I'll get the new info and the photos posted when I can.
Selling Out, A little
I have decided that as long as I've got people clicking through to buy stuff, I might as well use the traffic to pay for the site. Introducing...
Go to the
Spend a little of that cash section, follow the links for the movies, cd's, and book, and you will help ensure that this site thrives.
Peter Fonda and Indian
Found an
old article about Pete and the new Indian Motorcycle Company. He talks about riding and having his identity associated so heavily with Easy Rider.
The Wild Angels
The other day I started to thinking about how everyone seems to want a replica of Captain America. I get a few people telling me about their Billy Bike replica projects, but have never seen one finished. That got me wondering about all of the other cool biker movie bikes out there that people could build replicas of.
If I ever wanted to do a replica, I think I would choose the chopper of
Heavenly Blues (Peter Fonda) in The Wild Angels. The chop has all of the chopper style I love but retains the practicality typical of the chops of the mid-sixties. You get head turning style combined with every-day ride-ability. Rigid frame, simple graphics on the tank, tall sissy bar, and a just over stock springer front end. Nice!
I also love
Jack's bike in The Rebel Rouser's. Those trumper pipes reaching up into the heaven's look VERY cool.
And I know of one rather unconventional bike I would enjoy the challenge of building.
Kaneda's bike from Akira! This bike combines chopper with sport bike and does a beautiful job of doing so. Then again, it comes from an animated film.
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Can you tell that I have just gotten my DSL back? I found
another great shirt.
I saw
this Easy Rider shirt down at
Easyriders of Minneapolis shortly before I moved. So I knew I would have to find a source for this one on-line and post it when I got the chance. VERY cool shirt.
Well, I still can't promise a lot of work on the site, but I have landed again. I have a question for any chopperheads who drift by here who happen to live in the Portland, Oregon area. Where does a guy go to have work done on an old chopped Ironhead Sporty?
In other news, just before moving my wife purchased a bike. We plan on stripping a lot of the weight off of it. By the time we finish with it, she should have a pretty nice chopper. I'll get some photos up some time in the future.
So for now, I still love hearing from people, but don't expect much back right now. Updates to the pages (especially the road trip section) should come in the near future.
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